INFIERI 8th Workshop – 17-21 October 2017, Fermilab, Chicago, USA

Attended this workshop of the INFIERI network, the European project that funds my postdoctoral research at Thales. This is the periodic meeting of INFIERI network. There were seminaries on technologies for astrophysics, medical physics, and particle physics. The participants visited the facilities of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab). I presented (oral and poster) an [...]

My Ph.D. defense

Today I defended my Ph.D. and received the degree of Doctor of Sciences by the University of São Paulo, Brazil. After 4 years of work and learning, it is finally concluded. To have an overview of my research, you can access the final text of my thesis here. Also, you can check below the slides [...]

OpenGA is here!

The website was created to release codes in C++ , Python, and Matlab written during my Ph.D. They are based on Geometric Algebra (GA), a mathematical language fit for algebraic representation of geometric transformations. OpenGA serves as a starting point for researchers and developers who want to apply GA tools to their own work.  

IEEE WACV 2016 – March 07-09, Lake Placid, NY, USA

I attended the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, which this year took place at Lake Placid, NY, USA. The paper "6DOF point cloud alignment using geometric algebra-based adaptive filtering", a collaboration between the University of São Paulo and the Technical University Munich, was presented in oral and poster sessions.

PSat (Ping-Pong Satellite)

The PSat (Ping-Pong Satellite) is an initiative at the Signal Processing Lab (LPS) of the University of Sao Paulo (USP) to design and develop an educational picosatellite from scratch. This is a followup of the CLTP 3 (below) where I learned the basic concepts to construct such type of device. This satellite has been devised [...]